We are Mohawk Mothers, caretakers of the land, life-givers.
The Issue
At issue is control of Indigenous lands, including burial grounds. In addition to being an unceded traditional Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) territory containing ancient graves, the Royal Victoria site may contain the unmarked graves of Indigenous children who died from psychiatric experiments conducted as part of the CIA's Project MKULTRA, a project that developed “mind control” and torture techniques, or due to the neglect and mistreatment endured while incarcerated in medical and pedagogical institutions.
We are committed to hearing from survivors who attended the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal during the 1950s and 1960s. Gathering the statements of those who were victims of the CIA’s Project MKULTRA and medical mistreatment is an integral component of our work. If you, or someone you know, was subjected to medical experimentation and/or disappeared at a medical or pedagogical institution between 1940-1969, please contact us.
The information and material here may trigger unpleasant feelings or thoughts of past abuse. Please contact the 24-Hour Residential School Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419 if you require emotional support.
We Always Knew
Why Now?
Our Connection to the New Vic Project
The Mohawk Mothers’ connection to the New Vic project is simple: while promoters of the project aim to repurpose part of the former Royal Victoria Hospital into a new complex on the McGill University campus, the process involves extensive renovations and excavation. Since 2015, the Mohawk Mothers have engaged in a legal battle to prevent construction of the site. We are committed to searching the grounds for unmarked graves, as well as undiscovered evidence related to the CIA’s MKULTRA medical program.
In October 2022, the Mohawk Mothers obtained an injunction against the construction project from the Superior Court of Quebec; it halted all excavation of the site until a proper investigation and archaeological plan could be conducted.
While the Mohawk Mothers’ epic efforts are unique, they are not isolated. The need for Indigenous-led investigations into past wrongs is more critical than ever. Since the publication of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report, numerous unmarked graves of Indigenous children who attended Residential School have been discovered across Canada. Such discoveries have sparked interest in investigating other institutions where Indigenous children were sent, such as hospitals, correctional homes, reformatories, and psychiatric wards. Indigenous people deserve closure. We deserve to know the truth about what happened to our siblings and loved ones. We deserve the opportunity to honour our loved ones and grieve for them properly. We deserve the opportunity to investigate any Institution(s) or person(s) responsible for past abuse against Indigenous peoples.

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